Chinese singer Tan Jing performed alongside Swedish pianist Robert Wells at London\'s Royal Albert Hall Monday night.\"It\'s a great honor to sing at the Royal Hall and introduce Chinese culture to the European people,\" Tan told a press conference, adding that she hopes the concert will bring Chinese and European people together.The pair co-performed several musical compositions themed on Beijing, depicting a new image of the Chinese capital.The concert also aims to promote the Olympic spirit and highlight the continuity between the Olympic Games\' past and future.Tan, a well-known singer in China, once worked with Wells on the song \'Sky\' for the opening ceremony of 2008 Beijing Olympics.She hit the stage in London at the invitation of Gerhard Heiberg, marketing commission chairman of the International Olympic Committee (IOC).Representatives of both the IOC and the London Organizing Committee for the 2012 Olympic Games attended the concert.