Dubai LitFest goers were treated to an array of fun activities during ‘The Fringe", which took off on Thursday. The entire Thursday evening of the Fringe was dedicated to adults. "If you do not have empathy as a human, you cannot act. If you cannot move yourself, how will you move others?" said Miranda Davidson during an interaction on acting at the "Actors Showcase" . "As an actor you need to open your heart and mind. All the lessons in the world won't do a thing until you open up," said the acting tutor. "When you go to see a good movie and your favourite actors, you go there to see emotions, if all the conversations are nice and polite, it would get boring," she said. The Dubai Drama Group (DDG) debuted their short play That Explains a Lot, as part of the Fringe activities. That Explains a Lot, a comedy reflecting different characters one sees around the office, revolved around five characters in a Dubai based architectural firm, commissioned to build a stadium in Qatar for the World Cup. The characters were Maggie, played by Claire Bennet, a flustered receptionist, Scott, played by Mike Green, an arrogant corporate manager, Aref, played by Simon Holmes, a typical project manager, Adam, played by Zain Shaikh, an overexcited intern, and Dave, played by Gordon Torbet, a slightly unusual man, with strange ideas. The activities also included gonging and Sach Holden entertained the audience with acoustic guitar and vocals. Children in large numbers participated in the Fringe activities Friday. There was dance, drama, poetry, folk band and a jazz band among various other activities during the event. From gulfnews