Lebanese actress Madeline Tabar encountered several injuries while filming the scenes of her new television drama “Arwah Mansieh” (Forgotten Souls), in which she plays the role of a woman addicted to drugs. Madeline fell from an elevated area leading the cast and crew to immediately bring a doctor to be sure she was not badly injured. According to the London based Elaph, Madeline said that she was filming a very difficult scene as her character becomes unable to balance herself due to her need to take drugs and is unable to control herself and when the leading actor tries to calm her she becomes hysterical. She added that she became so involved in the role and began walking up a flight of stairs and as she tried to push away the leading male character she lost balance and felll to the floor. The actress said that she felt severe pain in her back and began screaming and once the doctor arrived to the set he gave her pain relief medications and she is currently recovering. The drama stars a number of prominent stars from around the Arab world like Egyptian actor Izzat Al Alali, Aydah Riyadh and Firas Ibrahim.