Mick Jagger admitted on Friday he has found his career in the Rolling Stones \"intellectually undemanding\" and sometimes wishes he had stuck to his original idea of becoming a teacher. Jagger, who will front the Stones in their first ever appearance at Britain\'s Glastonbury festival on Saturday, said he had considered other career options such as being a journalist or a dancer, although that would have involved \"too many injuries\". The 69-year-old, who was still a student at the London School of Economics when the Stones were starting out, said in a BBC interview: \"A schoolteacher would have been very gratifying, I\'m sure. \"There are millions of things you would have loved to have done, a politician, a journalist... I thought of being a journalist once. \"All these things you think of when you\'re a teenager, you can think, well, I would have liked to have done that but that\'s completely pointless,\" he added. \"But I don\'t feel frustrated for a lack of control at all and I\'m very pleased with what I\'ve done. \"Everyone wants to have done more things in their lives. It is a slightly intellectually undemanding thing to do, being a rock singer, but, you know, you make the best of it.\"