Australian actor Matthew Newton has been arrested and charged after allegedly resisting police and trespassing on property in Miami, authorities said. Newton was arrested Friday after a warning, the Australian Broadcasting Corp. reported. He was released Saturday evening on $2,000 bond. His lawyer Chris Murphy said Newton, 35, was dining with a fellow Australian when he was arrested for an alleged minor misdemeanor. Employees at Mr. Moe\'s Restaurant and Bar said Newton was \"belligerent\" when asked to leave the establishment, allegedly for being intoxicated, reported. Police were called and arrested Newton after he refused a number of requests for him to leave the premises. Murphy took to Twitter to defend his client. \"Matthew Newton charged and released for returning to seating area after being warned to leave. Non-violent resist alleged,\" Murphy tweeted. Newton has an assault charge pending in Australia, where he is accused of assaulting a taxi driver in Sydney in December.