Egyptian film writer Tareq Badawi has filed a complaint with the Cinema Professions Union in Egypt against the writer, Mustafa Muharam, of the television drama “Al Mawlid” (a word that refers to a religious recital) and the leading actor in the drama Lebanese singer Haifa Wehbe. Tareq has accused Mustafa and Haifa of stealing the theme of the drama from his previous drama “Nousa”, which also starred Haifa in her first television acting role.The drama “Nousa” revolves around a woman that lives in a poor neighborhood and is faced with a lawsuit and later imprisoned by a member of the former Egyptian government. Once she is released from prison the woman meets and marries a rich man, and then becomes a successful businesswoman who fights corruption. The drama also exposes the fraud that took place during elections held by the former regime. In response to the complaint filed, the Union requested copies of each drama to compare to make a decision in the matter.Tareq said that if the Union decides that his theme was stolen, he will take legal action against Haifa, Mustafa and the producing company of the drama “Al Mawlid”. The drama “Al Mawlid” stars Haifa, Egyptian actors Hassan Al Radad, Saed Tarabeek, Ahmad Khalil, Hajaj Abdel Azeem and folklore singer Ameena. The drama is directed by Shireen Adel.