Actress Amal Rizk

Arab actress Amal Rizk expressed her pleasure for participating in the new TV drama show “Love’s Last Chance”, saying that she is extremely happy for participating in the new drama show that discusses a number of social issues in dramatic framework.

She added that the new TV drama show discusses the problems facing students during their university phase, saying that it presented the challenges that come as a result of the wrong ways adopted by Arab families from different categories to educate their sons and daughters.

She added that she will perform extremely different role if compared to the other roles she performed before, saying that the new role she performs in the framework of the new TV drama show will be a surprise for her fans from all over the Arab world.

The new drama show contains 45 episodes, as a large number of superstars participate in it, including Dalia Al-Beheiry, Amal Rizk, Murad Makram and Ahmed Mahmoud Abdullah.