Souhair Ramzy reveals her role in 'Lovers’ Palace'
Actress Souhair Ramzy

Egyptian actress Souhair Ramzy revealed the role she performs in her new TV drama show “Lovers’ Palace” scheduled to be presented during the coming Ramadan. She added that she performs a role of a retired dancer, while her sons would be kidnapped by ISIS.

She added that the personality she performs witnesses different phases during the series, as she will start the role as a dancer, saying that they will use the scenes of her previous films in which she danced, then she retires and wears hijab and niqab.

The Egyptian actress expressed her pleasure for working with Director Ahmed Saqr and author Mohamed Al Henawy, stressing that she has been surprised of the role offered to her in this series especially that she is veiled woman. She added that she currently resumes filming her role in Cairo-Alexandria Desert road.

She expressed her keenness to return to TV drama, saying that she exerts her efforts to meet the aspirations of her fans during the new series scheduled to be presented during the coming drama season of Ramadan.