Production is underway in Vancouver on the upcoming drama series "Intruders," starring John Simm and Mira Sorvino, BBC America announced. The Pacific Northwest-set series is about a secret society devoted to chasing immortality by seeking refuge in the bodies of others, the cable network said in a release Wednesday. Produced by BBC Worldwide Productions, from writer and executive producer Glen Morgan, the series is based on Michael Marshall Smith's novel of the same name. "I feel I have been haunted, in the best possible way, by Glen Morgan's deeply compelling script. I am thrilled to undertake what may be one of the greatest artistic challenges of my career, and who better to take this journey with than John Simm, James Frain and everyone at BBC America and BBC Worldwide Productions," Sorvino said in a statement. "It's such an intriguing story," said co-star Frain. "I was immediately hooked. An actor always responds to great scripts and Glen Morgan's adaptation both hits the genre notes and allows for characters of range, complexity and emotional truth."