TV talk show host Jimmy Kimmel apologized to the Chinese and Chinese-American communities for airing a little boy's bloodthirsty remarks about attacking China. The boy's comment was made two weeks ago during a "Kids' Table" segment on "Jimmy Kimmel Live" when Kimmel spoke to a group of 5- and 6-year-olds about the U.S. government's debt, much of which is held by China, CNN reported. "America owes China a lot of money, $1.3 trillion," Kimmel told the children. "How should we pay them back?" "Shoot cannons all the way over and kill everyone in China," the boy said. "Kill everyone in China? OK, that's an interesting idea," Kimmel said, then asked the group, "Should we allow the Chinese to live?" While one boy said, "No," most of the children said, "Yes," CNN said. "I am very sorry, and sincerely apologize to the Chinese and Chinese-American communities for any upset the 'Kids' Table' skit that aired on 'Jimmy Kimmel Live' on Oct. 16, 2013, has caused," Kimmel said in a statement issued through ABC Thursday. "It was never my intention to upset anyone. The offensive comment, which was made by a 6-year-old child during the non-scripted segment, never should have aired. No one on the team at 'Jimmy Kimmel Live' or at ABC would ever purposely broadcast anything to upset the Chinese community, the Asian community, anyone of Chinese descent or any community at large. Please know that we have edited out that segment from our online and broadcast platforms moving forward. "Yesterday, I met in-person with and apologized directly to many distressed individuals from the Chinese-American community. Those conversations were very productive and, as a result, we have also canceled any further 'Kids Table' segments from our show. I hope the Chinese and Chinese-American communities will accept my deepest, most sincere apology."