"The Walking Dead" was viewed by 15.8 million viewers when it returned for the second half of its fourth season Sunday night, AMC said Monday. "With a number of high-profile choices on television last night, for 'The Walking Dead' to deliver record ratings is remarkable. Thanks to the fans, who have been so supportive of this show in so many ways. We share your passion for this world," Charlie Collier, AMC's president, said in a statement. "Thanks also to the terrific team of writers, starting with Scott Gimple and Robert Kirkman, who with our outstanding executive producers, cast and crew pour their hearts into this series, always with the fans in mind. I speak for everyone at AMC in expressing my sincere appreciation and our shared excitement for the journey ahead. Chocolate pudding for all!" The pudding remark was a nod to Sunday's episode in which juvenile character Carl, played by Chandler Riggs, enjoys a rare treat -- a 116-ounce can of chocolate pudding -- in the zombie apocalypse. The show co-stars Andrew Lincoln, Norman Reedus and Dania Gurira.