Under the auspices of a collective comedy, the brightest comedy  stars in the Gulf join forces for a new series called  ‘Wi-Fi’ on MBC1 during Ramadan. The series of unrelated episodes looks at various issues in Arab and Gulf societies in a comic way, that provides a hearty laugh, meaningful joke and constructive criticism. Throughout each of its episodes, the series discusses a central theme subdivided into several sub-themes to deal with issues such as globalisation, IT revolution, social networking websites, the Arab Spring and so on. In addition, there are parallel sketches through which the actors caricature famous figures in the world of  art, politics and the media, including a video clip component with music by the composer Abdullah Al Qaod, and lyrics by the poet Saher. Asaad Al Zahrany, one of the stars participating in the series, said the comedy viewed by the audience in ‘Wi-Fi’ is far from clown-like,  or defamatory of the characters. The idea of the series is based on dealing with a situation that any person may face in society anywhere, either in the street, in a government department or any other place to review the problem and treat it in a meaningful, artistic and humorous way.” About his role in the series, Zahrany said “I have many scenes in this diverse comic work along with a group of the best Gulf comedians such as Hassan El Ballam, Dawood Hussein, Habib El Habib and others." A number of guest appearances on 'Wi Fi' including Nasser El Qasaby, Khaled Sami and Abdel Ilah El Sanany, and two Kuwaiti actors will provide an additional attraction during the holy month of Ramadan. Zahrany described the series as ‘light drama’ which contain a guiding message through comedy. He added “This is the first time I have participate to such a large production and I appreciate the contribution of the director Nawaf El Shamry, and his proficiency in directing the drama and comedy sketches, and I salute the director Norman Hussein for his skill in the video clips which the series depends on.” Zahrany concluded “For all these reasons, I expect the series to be successful by any standards, and I’m sure the viewers will laugh from their hearts.”