As someone with a sky-high level of snow obsession, who timed my pregnancy around winter and spent more time than is reasonable Googling Inuit baby names, I didn\'t for one second consider skipping a snow trip because we\'d have a seven-month-old in tow. Yet that first holiday, in terms of cost, the sheer admin involved and the amount of time my husband and I actually got to snowboard came as something of a shock. Each morning in our rented flat, eyes hooded from lack of sleep, we\'d tussle over whose turn it was to enjoy a lone powder day or whether we could justify any more €15-an-hour nanny time. There had to be another way, so this winter I did some research and came up with three different options. If you\'re with the right group, a chalet holiday is one of the most reasonable, not to mention raucous (in a good way) ways to experience a ski resort. But how does that work if you bring kids? Come 6am the next day when your toddler is screaming, other guests, some of whom may have only been in bed for an hour or so, are going to catch on and you\'re going to feel bad. Cue the baby-friendly chalet. Sian Williams, founder of Baby Friendly Boltholes (, says: \"We\'ve encouraged owners to add elements that will make their breaks appeal to young families too. Our \'flagship\' offering is the gorgeous Chalet Chambertin in Morzine, which offers dedicated Baby and Toddler Weeks. This boutique hotel-style chalet is run by Ollie and Emma, a lovely British couple with two young kids of their own. The package includes two-to-one childcare by experienced nannies from 9-5 each day, a driver, chef making daily breakfasts, afternoon teas, kids\' supper and adult dinners, plus a baby hamper with nappies, wipes, creams and plenty of toys so you don\'t need to run the gauntlet of low-cost airline baggage allowances.\" The chalet is small, the vibe friendly and while you make the most of the excellent skiing in Morzine, Avoriaz and beyond in the Portes du Soleil, kids will spend their days watching Disney films, baking cookies, dabbling in arts and crafts, or playing outside making snow angels and sledging. Sian adds: \"If your dates don\'t fit one of the Baby and Toddler Weeks at the chalets, don\'t be afraid to use our \'Ask the Owner\' button to check whether there will be other guests with little ones staying on the dates you are interested in.\" With Baby Friendly Boltholes ( prices are £580 (adult), £495 (child under three) and £575 (child aged three to 12), including return transfers from Geneva, half-board accommodation, childcare 9am-5pm Mon-Sat, baby hamper, but not including flights, lift passes or kit rental. The next Baby Week is 3-10 April