Green spaces and reserves in Tangier

A number of activists have called on people to participate in the protection of green spaces and reserves in Tangier via an online petition.

In response, more than 700 people have signed an online petition titled ‘’Tangier Forests Are in Danger.’’

Tangier activists encouraged signatures saying that, ‘’ some greedy people are aspiring to destroy these green spaces for their own interests.’’

The same source confirmed that Tangier has 3 square meters of green space per capita, which is far below the 15m² per capita that it should be.

In response to this, activists and human rights associations have organized online environmental initiatives, collecting thousands of signatures. The petitions are demanding that people in charge stop whomever has intentions of destroying an existing green area in Tangier.

The Moroccan Association for Human Rights in Tangier issued a communiqué just a few days ago, stressing there are laws which prohibit any activity that would change an existing green area or cause any sort of destruction.

The association considers that the completion of any project is a threat to the environment. They also feel it’s a necessity for project owners to conduct studies to ensure that projects are suitable for the environment.

Source :Morocco World News