Kuwait celebrated, Thursday, International Day for Biological Diversity with several key officials commemorating the event with pleas to protect and sustain Kuwaiti islands' eco-system and wildlife. Serious steps and action are needed to help in preserving the biological diversity of Kuwaiti islands, the Environment Public Authority's (EPA) Acting Director General Mohammad Al-Ahmad told KUNA, at an EP event commemorating the international day. Al-Ahmad said that Kuwaiti islands are renowned for their biological diversity, noting that the islands' vegetation, wildlife, and ecosystem deserved to be protected and preserved. Echoing similar sentiments, researchers at Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) Dr. Shaker Al-Hazeem and Adel Al-Saffar both stressed the importance of protecting the biological diversity in Kuwaiti islands. Dr. Al-Hazeem noted that Garuh Island is well-known for coral reefs, which were partially damaged due to pollutants and other negative factors. He stressed that measures should be taken to protect the eco-systems in all Kuwaiti islands. On his part, Al-Saffar mentioned that Boubiyan Island had an interesting biological scene, noting that various species of birds could be spotted throughout the year, in addition to thriving vegetation. Such valuable environmental components should be protected for the sake of biological diversity, said the official. Meanwhile, official at the EPA Abeer Al-Ebri said that Failaka Island's vegetation was in danger, noting that studies between 1999 and 2006 showed that flora on the Kuwaiti island was in decline. The official attributed the deterioration to numerous cause-and-effect factors, including human activity and pollution.