Algeria's experience in food security

Algeria's experience in food security can be beneficial to neighbouring countries, said Thursday in Algiers the representative of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Nabil Assaf.
Speaking during the seminar organized by his organization on the second International Conference on Nutrition (ICN2), FAO's representative said that Algeria's experience in food security and its efforts "which have been already hailed by FAO Director General Josef Graziano da Silva, during his visit to Algeria on February 6, can help neighbouring countries."
For his part, the representative of the Ministry of Agriculture Youcef Redjem Khodja said that "Algeria has made a quality leap in this field even if efforts are still needed," adding that this experience can be beneficial to its neighbouring countries, particularly in the Sahel region.
Algeria adopted in 2008 an ambitious policy to achieve food security through the agricultural and rural revival, which aims at imporving the living conditions of the populations and develop natural resources for the achievement of projects for integrated rural development.
The Algerian delegation will participate in the ICN2, which will be held at the headquarters of FAO, the conference's co-organizer along wth the World Health Organization (WHO) from 19 to 21 November in Rome.
The conference will assess the progress made over the past years, focusing particularly on the successful achievements of countries and will also identify new challenges.