Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir

Sudanese President Omar al Bashir stressed the importance of reaching a consensus among his country, Egypt and Ethiopia over Ethiopia's controversial Renaissance Dam.
Bashir called for reaching a deal that protects the interests of the three nations.
He made his comments during his meeting with Ethiopian Foreign Minister Tawadros Adhanom.
Adhanom said he updated the Sudanese leader on the outcome of ministerial talks between the three nations in Khartoum.
Also on Thursday, Egypt's Irrigation Minister Hossam Moghazi said the consulting firm which will complete studies on the dam will be announced in mid-March.
Ethiopia is the source of around 85% of Egypt's Nile's water, mainly through rainfall in its highlands. Over 90% of Egyptians rely on water from the Nile's flows.
Egypt fears that the dlrs 4.6 billion hydropower plant, which Ethiopia is building on the Blue Nile, will diminish its share of the river's water, arguing its historic water rights must be maintained.