Prime Minister Imran Khan.

Prime Minister Imran Khan Tuesday approved, in principle, a proposed project named “Re-Charge Pakistan” for better management and utilization of flood waters to restore and re-charge the groundwater.
He gave the in principle approval while chairing a briefing on the functions of Ministry of Climate Change here at the PM Office.
Advisor to the Prime Minister Malik Amin Aslam Khan, Secretary Climate Change Khizar Hayat Khan and senior officials were present during the meeting.
Various measures to tackle air, water and plastic waste pollution were also identified during the briefing.
The prime minister said tackling climate issues was a priority area for the government.
He said, ‘Pakistan Cleanliness Movement’ would be launched next month, with active involvement of the provincial governments and all segments of society, to undertake a comprehensive cleanliness drive across the country and to raise awareness among the masses.
He directed the Ministry of Climate Change to play a proactive role in the cleanliness drive.
The prime minister also emphasized upon the need for greater coordination between the Ministry of Climate Change and the provincial governments on nationally defined priorities.
Advisor to PM Malik Amin Aslam Khan briefed the prime minister about the mandate of the ministry and various initiatives being taken to address issues relating to climate change including mitigation, adaptation and the steps being taken to check air, water and plastic waste pollution.
The prime minister was informed that besides implementation of 10 billion Tree Tsunami project, promotion of renewable energy was also being focused as part of mitigation strategy to tackle climate issues.
The advisor said 50 early warning systems and 408 river discharge gauges / sensors were planned to be installed under Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF) project in Gilgit-Baltistan and five districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa as part of the adaptation strategy.
It was informed that besides developing Eco-Tourism policy, efforts were afoot to finalize National Wildlife Policy. It was informed that two new National Parks would soon be announced in Gilgit-Baltistan.