Brigadier Samir Ahmed Al Zayani.

Marking the 10th anniversary of Bahrain’s accession to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in 2008, a Bahraini delegation headed by Brigadier Samir Ahmed Al Zayani took part in IAEA 62nd general conference held in Vienna from September 17 to 21.


In a statement, Brigadier Al Zayani underlined Bahrain’s keenness to boost relations with the international agency so as to develop its national capabilities in peaceful use of atomic and nuclear energy. He congratulated Marta Žiaková on being elected President of the agency’s 62nd general conference, wishing her every success in running the session’s activities and stressing Bahrain’s readiness to cooperate with her. He also lauded the efforts of IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano in bolstering the role of the agency and achieving its goals, wishing him full recovery and fast return.


Brigadier Al Zayani praised the agency’s annual report which casts light on the big international responsibility assigned with the agency to provide a favourable atmosphere, ambitious initiatives and effective solutions for current challenges. He said the noble humanitarian goals have not been fully achieved. Yet, there is still hope to attain them and turn a painful page by ushering in a right phase free of wars. He also affirmed that confronting those challenges requires unrelenting and concerted efforts, stressing the outstanding role of IAEA in this respect.



Brigadier Al Zayani called anew to turn the Middle East into a region free of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction, pointing out the international community’s concern over Israel’s nuclear capabilities. He also demanded Israel to join the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and subject all its nuclear facilities to IAEA control. He underlined the right of all countries to peaceful use of nuclear energy, calling on Iran to show full cooperation with IAEA and put its facilities and nuclear activities under the agency’s control. He also demanded it to commit to enforcing the nuclear security guarantees to preserve regional and international peace and security.


Brigadier Al Zayani emphasised the dire need to adopt a unified international strategy to curb proliferation of nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction through a disarmament mechanism at the regional and international level. He also voiced Bahrain’s keenness to benefit from exchanging knowledge and nuclear technologies between the industrial and developing countries and encourage secure and peaceful use of atomic energy. He underscored the kingdom’s readiness to cooperate with IAEA and its specialised bodies to tap on Bahraini competencies and keep abreast of the national development requirements and future projects aimed at putting nuclear sciences at the service of humanity.