Minister Abdulhussain bin Ali Mirza met Dr. Saleh Al Kharabsheh.

Electricity, Water Affairs Minister Abdulhussain bin Ali Mirza, on the sidelines of Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week, met Jordan’s Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Dr. Saleh Al Kharabsheh, and discussed cooperation in the use of solar energy and benefiting from Jordanian legislative expertise that promote investment in solar energy, especially installing solar energy systems on roofs of government buildings.


Minister Mirza reviewed Bahrain’s plan to put the construction of a 100-megawatt solar power station out to tender, and the intention of the ministry’s Sustainable Energy Unit to invite tenders for the installation of solar energy systems on the roofs of government buildings and the implementation of Net Metering system to benefit individuals’ need for renewable energy.

The Jordanian minister pointed out his government’s support for energy sustainability initiatives, including providing incentives for solar installations, such as exemption from taxes, in addition to the central bank’s support for solar energy projects in form of offering interest-free loans.

The two sides also agreed to establish technical cooperation between the Sustainable Energy Unit and its counterparts in Jordan.

Source: BNA