Los Angeles - UPI
A survey of California schools found nearly 200 solar projects installed on campuses, leading the way to the state\'s solar future, environmentalists say. A report by Environment California said the solar installations, averaging more the 300 kilowatts in capacity, generate electrical power to save costs while helping educate students about the importance of renewables. \"California school districts are adding a fourth \"r\" to the building blocks of education: reading, \'riting, \'rithmetic and renewables,\" Michelle Kinman, clean energy advocate with Environment California and author of the report, said in a press release. \"Schools all across California are saving significant dollars by going solar, and helping reduce air pollution.\" Environment California surveyed 18 school districts within the state to determine the kinds of use to which each school puts its solar panels, finding shaded parking spaces topped with the panels the most popular, Los Angeles PBS station KCET reported. The solar initiatives are reducing public schools\' formidable energy expenses, which in California rivals the amount schools have to spend on books and supplies, Environment California said.