Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, has set the goal of becoming the world\'s first CO2 neutral capital by 2025. Recently, the Municipality of Copenhagen presented an ambitious plan for acheiving this goal, according to a press release from the DANISH EMBASSY in Riyadh. The plan proposes a variety of solutions that will be initiated in close partnership between public and private sector players. Among other things, the municipality expects to see increased investments in wind turbines and solar cells as well as a conversion of power stations from fossil fuels to biomass. By making Copenhageners cycle even more and investing in hybrid buses for public transportation, the municipality hopes to reduce emissions from the transport sector. New buildings will be energy efficient, while current buildings will be energy-renovated. It is assessed that more than a half of the investments put into improving the energy efficiency of schools, cultural centers, residential homes and offices will be repaid through operational savings by 2025. For the citizens of Copenhagen, these changes will bring forward better life quality and financial benefits. Cleaner air, less noise and a greener city will give Copenhageners better daily lives and the proposed investments will create jobs. Financially, Copenhageners can look forward to monthly savings on their electricity and heating bills to the equivalent of $ 50-75. The Danish government, in cooperation with the governments of Mexico and the Republic of Korea, has launched a major international Global Green Growth Forum (3GF) initiative. The aim of the forum is to facilitate and accelerate the global transition to a green economy by bridging the gap between policy, capital, business and technology. 3GF offers a unique space to spur creative public-private solution-oriented thinking and action in key areas for green growth such as energy, water, finance, trade, biomass, cities and green public procurement. From arabnews