Qatar’s oil and gas sectors

The ongoing recovery of energy markets is likely to have a positive impact on Qatar’s economy in 2018, as prices rise and demand strengthens, according to experts set to meet in Doha for The Euromoney Qatar Conference 2017 in December.

However, companies and governments will need to adapt to both a shift in the pattern of demand – away from Europe and the US to dynamic Asian markets – and the push for lower carbon fuels, said a press release.

For nations like Qatar, which are investing in the knowledge-based economy as well as clean energy technologies, these market changes could strengthen the nation’s economic position in the long-term.

Qatar’s oil and gas sectors have been hit by the fall in energy prices of recent years, but are likely to make an increased contribution in 2018 with a recovery in prices and increases in production at the new Barzan facility, which is set to scale up Qatar’s gas production by more than 20 per cent.


The outlook for commodities and energy will be one of the key issues examined in a special panel discussion on the first day of The Euromoney Qatar Conference, which will look at the global macroeconomic outlook.

One of the key themes of this year’s event will be “building innovation,” with the agenda featuring leading figures from banking and finance, experts on energy and real estate, and executives from organisations representing the innovation economy, such as financial technology companies.

There will also be a dedicated panel on “financial system cyber security and the role of technology in regulation,” with speakers including Khalid Al-Hashmi, Assistant Undersecretary, Cyber Security, QCERT; Sara Al Khelaifi, Head of Cyber Security, Qatar Central Bank; and Dr. Hessa Al-Jaber, Former Minister of Information and Communication Technology; Chairperson, Trio Investment.

“Euromoney Qatar has always brought together experts from across a range of industries to better understand the trends and dynamics that are shaping Qatar’s markets and those of the wider region. This year, we have a diverse range of speakers reflecting the increasing diversification and evolution of Qatar’s economy,” said Victoria Behn, Euromoney Conference’s Head of Middle East and Africa

As well as examining the shifting impact of the energy sector, the opening panel will also look at the role of the digital economy, and its implications for employment, growth levels and longer-term stability on a national, regional and global basis.

The conference will be opened by Sheikh Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khalifa Al Thani, Prime Minister of Qatar.

The Euromoney Qatar Conference will run between December 5 and 6, 2017, in Doha.
