Turkish Energy Minister Taner Yildiz on Thursday said Turkey had to own its nuclear plants. Speaking to journalists at the 22nd World Energy Cogress in South Korea, Yildiz said the complete process of constructing a nuclear plant should be conducted in Turkey with the contribution of local partners, entrepreneurs, public and private sector in regards to the third nuclear plant to be built by a Turkish company. Yildiz reminded that the International Energy Agency with 28 member countries would gather under the presidency of Turkey in Paris next month. - Energy import from Iran Yildiz said Turkey\'s gas import from Iran was 10 bilion meters cube and added, \"Iran is one of the biggest suppliers of Turkey. We are extremely satisfied with this deal. We are open to any proposal of supplying more natural gas.\" Asked about UN sanctions on Iran, Yildiz said \"One should understand Turkey\'s needs,\" emphasizing that Turkey has remarkably grown in the last decade. - Contracting Chinese company for nuclear plant Regarding whether or not a Chinese company could be contracted for building nuclear plant in Turkey, Yildiz said, \"Although we completed the process for the second plant, Turkey\' has broader nuclear aims. Negotiating with China might be one of the options in the future.\" Yildiz thanked South Korea for the Congress, which he defined as the \"energy olympics,\" and reminded that it would convene in Turkey in 2014.