At the World Future Energy Summit (WFES) held in Abu Dhabi this week, WWF Director General Jim Leape called for agencies, governments and industry to proactively collaborate in transitioning towards a sustainable energy future on a global level, flagging up WWF’s vision of a world powered by 100% renewable energies by 2050. WWF’s Energy Report launched in February 2011 shows that all of the world’s energy needs could be provided cleanly and renewably, in ways that can be sustained by the global economy and the planet, and that such a transition is not only possible but cost-effective. At the event ‘Insights from the International Energy Agencies: Building Sustainable Partnerships’ held during the WFES, Jim Leape highlighted alternative options facing a world increasingly dependent on fossil fuels. “We only have one earth, and humanity’s ecological footprint is much too heavy for one planet to sustain. We are fast running out of the natural resources on which our lives depend – but a future powered by renewable energies is entirely possible. With political commitment, and investment in the development of solar, wind, wave, and other alternatives – as well as energy conservation – a future with clean, efficient and secure energy for all is within our grasp”, said Jim Leape. Providing reliable, affordable and clean energy on the scale required will need a global effort. The initiative lies with individuals, opinion leaders, policy makers, industry and businesses alike. Leape went on to stress that we are entering an era of resource scarcity defined by shortages of land, water and energy, and that this presents profound challenges. WWF strongly believes that the future will belong to businesses who find ways to help meet those challenges. By driving sustainability across their values chains, helping their suppliers produce in a more sustainable way, providing their customers with products that help them live more sustainably, businesses can have a positive impact on the planet. “Successfully overcoming the global energy crisis needs a two-track approach – the formal international policy process in tandem with the proactive leveraging of alternative solutions to shift the energy paradigm. WindMade, for example, is the first global consumer label identifying businesses that use wind power in their operations or production, and is a fantastic model for how the private sector – as well as consumers – can be empowered to use more renewable energy, in a way that also makes business sense. Every player in society can do their bit, be it businesses, politicians, or concerned individuals,” said Leape. Over the past decade, WWF has been active in Abu Dhabi in partnership with the Emirates Wildlife Society. EWS-WWF has become known as a leader in environmental conservation in the United Arab Emirates, addressing key conservation and environmental issues by implementing projects that aim to tackle energy efficiency and bring renewable energy solutions, conserve biodiversity and address the UAE’s ecological footprint.