Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk and his visiting Finnish counterpart Yyrki Katainen discussed here on Monday nuclear energy and EU financial perspective, local media reported. At a joint news conference with Katainen, Tusk announced that Polish-Finnish relations \"will be raised to a higher level.\" \"I grew more convinced after today\'s talk that it is a sensible thing to launch a nuclear program also in Poland,\" Tusk said, adding that he would visit one of Finnish nuclear construction sites in summer 2012. Poland and Finland share common views on the EU multi-year budget, said Tusk. He also expressed support for the further consolidation of the EU single market. Katainen, for his part, thanked Tusk for his personal engagement and EU presidency as Poland has been holding rotating EU presidency from July 1 till the end of this year. \"Poland\'s attitude towards the EU presidency was very good and strong,\" Katainen said.