UAE peaceful nuclear energy programme in full compliance

The United Arab Emirates' peaceful nuclear energy programme is in full compliance with the highest international standards of safety and security, set by the International Atomic Energy Agency, said Mikhail Chudakov, Deputy Director-General, IAEA.

The international official made the statements at a news conference wrapping up the IAEA international ministerial conference which concluded here today.

The conference provided a forum for high-level dialogue on the role of nuclear power in the coming decades, he said.

"While respecting the right of each State to define its national energy policy, the conference recognised that nuclear power remains an important option for many countries to improve energy security, reduce the impact of volatile fossil fuel prices and mitigate the effects of climate change and air pollution, including by backing up intermittent energy sources," Ambassador Hamad Ali Alkaabi, the UAE’s Permanent Representative to the IAEA in Vienna, said at the conference’s closing session, attended by IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano.

Al Kaabi said that the participants widely agreed on key areas, including the need to create an enabling environment to facilitate the introduction of nuclear power and ensure its safety and sustainability; that nuclear power is a safe, reliable and clean energy option; and that "innovations in technology design including reactor size as well as in investment and ownership models could facilitate the introduction of nuclear power in more countries."

Small modular reactors currently under development "may allow for expanded use of nuclear power including on smaller grids and in remote settings, as well as for non-electrical applications and improve access to nuclear energy," the ambassador said.

The conference highlighted the importance of public confidence for the future of nuclear power. "Open and transparent decision making involving all stakeholders can improve the public perception of nuclear power and lead to broader public acceptance," Alkaabi said.

The event concluded that for many countries, nuclear power is a proven, clean, safe and economical technology that will play an increasingly important role in achieving energy security, reducing the impact of volatile fossil fuel prices and mitigating the effects of climate change and air pollution. For many countries, nuclear power will have an important role to play in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and meeting the targets in the Paris Agreement. Governments should ensure that their national energy policies support their development and climate goals.

In conclusion, participants recognised the IAEA’s leading role in promoting peaceful uses of nuclear energy and supporting efforts to strengthen global nuclear safety, nuclear security and safeguards.