Turkish Energy Minister Taner Yildiz said that the public sector would be a partner in the construction of nuclear power plant in Sinop province. Yildiz, after the meeting with a delegation from Niger held a press conference. \"Public Sector involvement in the construction of Akkuyu power plant was limited; however, now, public sector will be a partner in the construction of nuclear power plant in Sinop province\" stressed Minister Yildiz. As for the third nuclear project Yildiz said \"We surely don\'t know where the place of third nuclear power plant is but we will determine the place among four or five differenet options.\" Y?ld?z also said that nuclear acciedent in Fukushima affected the negotiations; however, all parties have got required experience from Fukushima accident. PM Erdogan was reportedly told a Japanese paper Sinop project will be constructed with Japan. Japanese PM Shinzo Abe will come to Turkey today, and come together with PM Erdogan tomorrow. Yildiz didn\'t deny or confirm the report on the choice of Japan. CEOs of major companies of Japan will also accompany to PM Abe at his visit in Turkey.