Weather in Lebanon tomorrow is partly cloudy to cloudy with fog on the mountain range, possibility of drizzles in the evening and drop in temperature, as forecasted by Beirut Airport -based Meteorology Department. Weather report: General status: Moderate air-masses affect the Mediterranean sea Eastern basin causing a relatively unstable weather. -Temperature: On the coastline 23 degree Celsius low to 31 degree Celsius high On the mountain range: 12 degree Celsius low to 23 degree Celsius high In the Interior range: 13 degree Celsius low to 34 degree Celsius high In Al-Arz : 10 degree Celsius low to 19 degree Celsius high - Surface wind: Southern-western during day-time changes to southern-eastern at night, gusting between 8 and 25 Km/hr . - Visibility: Good, medium over the mountain range because of fog. - Humidity on the coastline: between 50% and 75%. - Sea : Low waves, surface temperature 30 degree Celsius. - Atmospheric Pressure: 760 mlm/Hg From : NNA.