Thousands of civil society protestors gathered in the Botha\'s Gardens on Saturday in central Durban and called on climate justice and the developed countries to bear the responsibilities in responding to climate change. \"We come here to support COP 17. The developed countries must lower their emission to save the planet,\" said Kerwin Zane Adams, one of the demonstrator. Demonstrators with green T-shirts who held the slogan \"listen to people, not polluters\" was shouting with traditional African intonation. \"Now you see the climate changed a lot, we Africans suffering a lot. Developed countries should bear the responsibilities of climate change,\" said Gmangalisi Suprise Mngoma from one of Newcastle\'s non governmental organization. Civil society groups have dubbed Saturday as the \"Global Day of Action\' at the COP17 and the organizers said they were trying to get COP17 negotiators to listen to ordinary people.