Rich countries should honor the principle of \"common but differentiated responsibilities\" at the ongoing Durban climate talks as they have agreed under a 1992 UN framework. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), ratified by 194 countries, stipulates that parties should tackle climate change \"in accordance with their common but differentiated responsibility and respective capabilities,\" and that \"developed countries should take the lead in combating climate change.\" The principle was also written into the legally-binding Kyoto Protocol in 1997 that forces cuts in carbon emissions. At the Durban meeting, one of the few remaining opportunities to rescue the Kyoto Protocol which will expire at the end of next year, however, some industrialized countries continue to demand major emerging economies like China and India take more responsibilities while failing to fulfill their commitments. Using developing countries as an excuse does not help in any way for rich countries to cover up their past inaction and evade their due responsibility to enforce strict emission cut targets in the future. The United States, a major carbon polluter, has not ratified the Kyoto Protocol. Canada, which ratified the protocol, is looking to pull out of the pact to avoid embarrassment for missing its targets. Its emissions have increased sharply from 1990 levels. The inaction and irresponsibility of some developed countries are veiled under harsh criticism of the developing countries\' current large share of global carbon emissions, overlooking their huge population. At present, developed countries top the list of CO2 emission per capita, with the United States and Australia, for example, emitting more than three times as much as China, according to latest figures released by the United Nations. The industrial nations\' advanced economic and technological development constitute the world\'s best resources to help poorer nations speed up carbon emissions cuts and achieve sustainable growth conducive to global prosperity.