Red Panda

An adorable cute baby Red Panda who has survived a life-threatening neck injury, will be given a new lease on life at Sydney's Taronga Zoo.

The two-month-old Red Panda cub named Maiya, had to be separated from her inexperience mother when she was injured while being carried in her mother's mouth.

Maiya was rushed for treatment and is now put under the round-the-clock care by Taronga Zoo keeper, Tamara Gillies.

"She's definitely a little survivor," Gillies told AAP Wednesday.

"She's guzzling down her milk formula, she's gaining weight every day and the wound on her neck has almost completely healed."

Staff at the zoo is hopeful that little baby Maiya will soon be able to return to the care of her mother, and have begun the process of reuniting the pair.

"It's good for her to be comfortable around us, but we want her to maintain the natural behaviors of a Red Panda and hopefully grow to have cubs of her own." Gillies said.

Red Pandas are on the endangered species list, with less than 10,000 believed to remain in the wild.

source: Xinhua