To mark the special occasion of the 40th UAE National Day, Al-Futtaim Motors, the exclusive distributor for Toyota in the UAE, has revealed a limited edition Land Cruiser.“2011 marks an important page in the history of the UAE. While the government has organised special programmes of spectacular events and community activities we at Al-Futtaim Motors wanted to celebrate this important milestone in our own special way. As a tribute to the nation and its people, Al-Futtaim Motors Toyota will launch a limited edition of the SUV which reflects the UAE colours, symbols and spirit of the nation,” said Simon Frith, managing director at Al-Futtaim Motors.The exclusive Land Cruiser features unique specifications for Emirati customers, fitted with interior and exterior accessories such as a D-pillar UAE crest, the Sheaar Al Dowla; a falcon and UAE flag design rendered in 3D chrome. There are also UAE flag side graphics, LED daytime running lights, and more falcon crests or UAE-themed graphics on the centre console of the interior, the door sills, and the sunroof glass.