Chevrolet’s VoltAge community

Owners, enthusiasts and experts gather online at Chevrolet’s VoltAge community When Bill Robbins stops to charge his Volt at public charging stations, he gets a kick out of the people who approach him with questions. “I really enjoy introducing people to the fact that electric cars are actually here now, and they look great and work beautifully,” said Robbins, owner of Volt #469 as he proudly states. Then there’s times when Bill has questions of his own. Enter Chevrolet’s VoltAge Online Community and Resource for Volt owners and enthusiasts. “I probably visit the home page the most often because it always has a new article or story about the Volt,” said Robbins. “I also jump into the Community when I have a question or want to see the most recent discussions.” Whether you’re a current owner, prospective owner, or just curious about Volt, VoltAge connects you with other owners who are willing to share their experiences or customer service representatives and experts who stay active within the site to answer questions. “I’ve also gotten great answers to questions on the Community forum,” said Robbins. “I really appreciate that Volt customer advisors often post answers to questions there, so you know you are getting good information.” There’s more to VoltAge than information and answers — there are new friends to be found through the forums. Roy Wilson, a car enthusiast since his teen years, has ordered his Volt and is waiting for delivery. He uses VoltAge to join in on conversations about Volt and was pleasantly surprised to make connections with other Volt owners. “I was able to find out about another Canadian that ordered his Volt shortly before mine and now we have something specific in common,” said Wilson. “Possibly, we will get together later with our new Volts and discuss our experiences directly.” Until that opportunity, they each have VoltAge as a way to stay connected and keep their conversation going, not to mention help welcome and educate new Volt owners and enthusiasts who come to the site every day. “I’m not sure how I first found out about the VoltAge site,” said Wilson. “But it was a natural tool for educating myself on the Chevy Volt.”