Four men, accused of raping 23- year-old photojournalist at Shakti Mills compound in Mumbai last year, found guilty by Mumbai court Thursday morning, local media reported. The sessions court in Mumbai has found four accused guilty. The four men raped the 23-year-old magazine photo journalist who had gone to the deserted Shakti Mills compound in Central Mumbai with a male colleague on an assignment last August. The accused in this case are charged with rape, conspiracy, common intention, unnatural sex and offenses under the Information Technology Act. The photojournalist had fainted during her deposition. Maharashtra Home Minister RR Patil was in court as the verdict was delivered. The police said forensic evidence, call data records and DNA reports were stacked against the four men. They could face a maximum punishment of life in jail, under the new, tougher law passed after the fatal gang-rape of a college student in Delhi in December 16, 2012.