Since July 3 and the ouster of President Mohamed Morsi, journalists in that country have been a regular target of violence during demonstrations and counter-demonstrations across the country, it was reported Monday. Reporters Without Borders (RWB), a press freedom organisation with worldwide activities, said in a statement that there has been \"an extremely heavy toll on journalists\" since Morsi was removed. RWB said that since July 3, five journalists have been killed and 80 have been arbitrarily arrested - seven are still is custody - and at least 40 physical attacks have been reported against news providers. \"These violations of freedom of information have taken place in a highly polarised political environment that has made the situation extremely difficult and dangerous for journalists,\" the press freedom body pointed out. \"Reporters Without Borders condemns the climate of violence and political persecution in which both local and foreign journalists now have to operate in Egypt,\" the statement said. The Interim Authorities in Cairo were also urged to quickly follow-up on commitments they have made and provide \"a new constitution that fully respects human rights, including freedom of information, and to free and democratic presidential and parliamentary elections with respect for pluralism.\"