The Egyptian Journalists Syndicate condemned an assault against two journalists while covering Monday's protests at Cairo University. Khaled Hussain, a journalist for Al-Yom 7 news website, was critically shot in the chest and Amr el-Said, a photojournalist for Sada El-Balad news website, received shotgun shells. The syndicate called on the authorities to launch an immediate probe into the incident, adding that it would take all legal actions to guarantee that the assailants be brought to justice. The syndicate urged the justice ministry to quickly assign an investigative judge to probe the continual assaults against journalists. The syndicate noted that targeting journalists is an extremely serious phenomenon and aims at intimidating and muzzling them. The syndicate also denounced the authorities' failure to protect the journalists and the slow-paced investigations into related crimes, "which encourages attackers to commit more crimes." It called on all journalists to go on an all-out strike to protest assaults on journalists. It also called on them to take part in Thursday's vigil to be staged at 1 p.m. The syndicate urged chief editors to enroll journalists in professional safety courses