Hizbullah denies claims by US Times Magazine

Regarding what was published in the US Times Magazine, Hizbullah issued the following statement: "The US Times Magazine correspondent claimed that he had met with a Hizbullah official source, then he found himself sitting with one of the four indictees in the Hariri case, and interviewed him!" Hizbullah confirms the following: No Hizbullah official source met with the Times Magazine correspondent, not solely nor in the company of anyone else, therefore the piece of news published is completely far from truth, and the claimed interview does not exist. It seems that the aforementioned story is part of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon's fabrications, through which we became familiar with false and fabricated detective stories: through its direction, dialogue, and promotions. Hizbullah: Saad Hariri rushed to adopt false, fabricated Times Magazine story Hizbullah issued the following statement: Head of the Further Movement Saad Hariri has rushed, as he and his fellow officials always do, to adopt a false and fabricated interview published in the Times Magazine. Hariri hasted to build stances upon it, and paved the way to misleading and erroneous political analyses. What increases the level of suspicion in our regard is that his statement is part of a media fabrication of the stories sponsored by the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, in order to increase the flood of lies that hide the truth. Hizbullah has issued a statement in which it clarified the lies of the Times Magazine correspondent about holding the said interview. What Hariri built his stance upon is a lie and slander, therefore his conclusions and political evaluations are void, because they were built on lies. This is a sample of what the Future Movement and its head exploit to obscure the truth.