Iranian President's Special Aide Hossein Fereydoun

Iranian President's Special Aide Hossein Fereydoun dismissed the news reports on his recent visit to Vienna to convey a message to the Iranian negotiators from President Hassan Rouhani.
"No, I have not travelled to Vienna and all such reports have been fabricated by the reporters," Fereydoun told FNA in Tehran on Monday.
Some media outlets, including the Persian-language Borna news agency, had reported that Fereydoun had a 90-minute visit to Vienna to convey this message to the Iranian negotiating team that they should not withdraw from the specified redlines in their talks with the world powers.
On Monday, a source participating in the talks said that Iran and the six world powers (the five permanent UN Security Council members plus Germany) have adopted a final decision to extend the negotiations process for several months.
“Yes, the decision has been made,” the source said, adding, “The negotiations will be extended, the timeframe will be defined at the ministerial meeting."
Later, other sources said the talks have been extended until July 10, and the world powers have taken up to release $700 million of Iran's frozen assets on a monthly basis.