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The Jordan Press Association on Saturday called on the government for taking measures to reform the media-related legislation in the Arab kingdom.

"There is a need to amend some legislation in Jordan to ensure more media freedom," Tareq Momani, president of the Jordan Press Association, told Xinhua.

"We need more measures to enhance Jordan's ranking in international media report, especially since there has been a decline over the past few years in media freedom," said Momani.

He said a report published by the Freedom House's "Freedom of the Press 2016" indicated that Jordan ranked 145th out of 199 in media freedom globally.

At the Arab level, Jordan ranked fifth and was preceded by Tunisia, Lebanon, Kuwait and Algeria, according to the report. Jordan was followed by Morocco, Qatar, Iraq, Oman, Libya, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates.

"There are some obstacles when it comes to media freedom, the situation needs to improve and the government should take more measures," said Momani.

Source: XINHUA