International press freedom organisation, Reporters Without Borders (RWB), on Monday strongly condemned assassination two days ago in Iraq of two journalists in the city of Mosul, some 400 kilometres north of Baghdad. Mohammad Al-Badrani, a reporter with \"Al-Sharqiya\" television channel and his cameraman, Mohammad Al-Ghanem, were doing a filming for the Muslims\' grand feast, Eid Al-Adha Festival, near the city centre when they were targeted by gunmen and both died from gunshot wounds to the head, RWB said. \"Reporters Without Borders condemns in the strongest terms the murder two days ago,\" a statement from the press organisation said Monday. RWB also said that they had information that the two journalists had received death threats after they did reports on the security services, but they had not taken the threats seriously. \"We urge the authorities to launch an independent investigation to establish the exact circumstances of the double murder and to bring the perpetrators and instigators to justice. This appalling act must not go unpunished,\" RWB urged. \"The murders are indicative of the deteriorating security in which those in media have to work. They are increasingly targeted because of their work. The Iraqi authorities are responsible for making sure they are able to carry out their duties without fearing for their safety,\" the Paris-based press body added, citing a string of attacks against the press in Iraq.