the General Manager of Sudan News Agency (SUNA), Awad Jadain Mohi-Eddin

The Media Conference on Civilizations and Dialogue, organized by the Lebanese National Media Agency, Monday started in Beirut with participation of the General Manager of Sudan News Agency (SUNA), Awad Jadain Mohi-Eddin, and a number of Arab and foreign news agencies and diplomats.
The Lebanese Minister of Information, Malham Al-Rayashi, has referred in his address to the termination of traditional information and the start of the dialogue and communication era.
He also pointed to the role of essay and news in creating events and the media contribution to transferring the world into a global village.
Al-Rayashi also underscored the importance of dialogue as a natural means to solve any problem and to surpass any crisis.
Meanwhile, the Director of the Lebanese National News Agency, Lura Suleiman, said that the current information technology in the world has enabled any person to publish news, stressing that the information has become an indispensable modern and civilized language.
The two-day Media Conference on Civilizations and Dialogue will discuss a number of issues, top of them are the role of the media in enhancing the inter-civilization and religion dialogue, the creation of economic communication, establishing public opinion and the combating of terrorism.

Source: SUNA