Lebanese newspapers' headlines on Thursday 20/4/2017
Lebanese newspapers' headlines

AD-DIYAR: Scandal of inability to issue new electoral law: "What a shame" 
Aoun does not impose any electoral law 
AL-AKHBAR: Naiim Qassem: Proportionality ensures equity and fairness for all political forces, parties and sects 
AL-MUSTAQBAL: Trump orders review of Iran nuclear deal sanctions 
Tillerson: Iran poses danger on the World 
Mattis: Saudi Arabia works for stability, Iran for problems 
AL-JUMHURIYYA: Electoral engines almost paralyzed...Baabda confirms: President Aoun against 60's electoral law 
The DAILY STAR: Mounting opposition buries Bassil's vote law pitch 
Venezuelans march against Maduro en masse 
U.S. mulls boosting military aid for Saudis 
Syria evacuations resume after deadly bombing 
Army nabs arms dealer who sold "everything" 
PM heads reconciliation between kin of slain Akkar sheikhs, Army 

Source: NNA