The Media Advisor in Yemen’s Embassy in Beirut Maha Al-Braihi praised the core value of the Gulf Radio and TV Festival in honouring mediaprofessionals in recognition of their creativity and contributions.Al-Braihi said that the moral appreciation is considered the prime incentive, wellabove material incentives, that people need for prolific creativity.She cited the recent honouring of veteran media professionals during the Gulf Radioand TV Festival in Bahrain alongside with community and artistic VIPS withoutdiscrimination between countries.She recalled the moments the honourees shook hands with the Minister of State forInformation Affairs Sameera Ebrahim bin Rajab whose calm wisdom and admirablepersonality are a source of pride for Arab women, she said.She thanked Bahrain’s King, Government and people lauding their graciouswelcoming reception and generous hospitality, as well as the Gulf Radio and TVOrganization.