Quetions have been raised as to why Yosri Fouda was not the host of a special presidential debate on ONTV, as was previously announced. Fouda, was intended to host the presidential candidates, Hamdeen Sabahi and Dr Abdel Moneim Aboul Fotouh on his programme \"Akher Kalam\" (the last words). Viewers were surprised to find that Fouda didn\'t present the programme and that Amr Khafaja presented it instead, and only hosted Sabahi instaed of both candidates. To know the reasons behind the mix up in the episode, Arabstoday called the programme editor, Mostafa el-Masafawi, who confirmed that the reason was that Fouda was sick, which in turn prompted him to apologise for not presenting the programme. Masafawi stressed that there were no other reasons behind the change of the episode, adding that Fouda is to resume presenting the programme, from next Monday. It was earlier said that Yosri Fouda announced the cessation of his programme \"Akher kalam\" on TV station ON TV after six weeks, which comes after the election of the Egyptian president. Fouda said on Twitter: \"I will end my work after six weeks. I do apologise for whoever finds this unprofessional and I thank all those who have followed my programme\". A number of political activists have asked Fouda to rethink his decision, as he is one of the most popular pro-revolution voices in Egypt. There is also a Facebook page called \"Yosri Fouda, don’t leave us.\" Fouda explained, via Facebook that he only agreed to present \"Akher Kalam\" because Egypt was going through such a crucial period after the January 25 Revolution. He expressed his respect for the revolution and said he was positive about Egypt\'s future.