Investigators examine the wreckage of one of 2 helicopters that crashed

French sports stars and crew from the ill-fated reality TV series "Dropped" left Argentina on Friday for home, as experts investigate this week's helicopter crash that killed 10 people, including three top French athletes.
The week has been "very long, very long," said skater Philippe Candeloro, before boarding his flight along with the rest of the 27-person team, including swimmer Alain Bernard.
The judge investigating the collision of two helicopters filming the show gave permission for the French participants and crew to return home Thursday after questioning them about the fatal crash.
Monday's disaster killed Olympic champion swimmer Camille Muffat, renowned yachtswoman Florence Arthaud and Olympic boxer Alexis Vastine, as well as five French television crew members and two Argentine pilots.
The show's crew and remaining participants are scheduled to arrive in France on Saturday, where they will be received by executives from the TF1 network that was to air the show.
The program featured sports stars who were taken blindfolded into rugged environments and given 72 hours to get to a place where they could charge a mobile phone.
French investigators are scheduled to meet the Argentine investigating judge next week.
Initial findings indicate the crash was caused by human error, officials say.