David Letterman winked at U.S. President Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney by reading a foreign policy-themed Top 10 list on \"Late Show.\" Letterman read \"Signs You Know Nothing About Foreign Policy\" on Monday\'s edition of his late-night chat show, which aired after the third and final presidential debate. It went as follows -- 10. You think \"Benghazi\" is that bald guy who played Gandhi. 9. Always refer to the United Nations as \"The Un.\" 8. Promise that on Day 1, you\'ll stand up to General Tso. 7. You praise Madagascar\'s hilarious talking animals. 6. You think \"Arab Spring\" is a brand of soap. 5. Refer to every world leader as \"What\'s-his-name.\" 4. You think the G-8 is a hot boy band. 3. Speak to people from other countries with generic \"foreign guy\" accent. 2. Know Qaddafi was killed, but still worry about Gaddafi, Khadafi and Khadafy. 1. Made it your mission to prevent Iran from enriching geraniums.