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Paper and direct transactions were reduced by 85 per cent with the implementation of Manpower e-services, the agency announced.

The Ministry of Manpower completed its implementation of electronic services by 2016, and saw a decrease in the use of paper work and direct transaction by 85 per cent. 

The new services that have been implemented include: electronic licensing, electronic filtering for job seekers, work applications system, wage protection system, employment contracts system, and the complaints system.

“The complaints system is a new addition to the electronic services provided by the ministry. This system allows citizens and residents employed within the private sector to send complaints without needing to visit the Ministry. The system enables citizens and residents to submit their complaints about violations of the labor law,” the Ministry said.

The Ministry's website can be accessed through smartphones or Sanad centers. The complaints system allows individuals to monitor the status of registered complaints, and monitor the related procedures taking place. Individuals may get notices by text or e-mail, regarding the progression of their case.

The Ministry’s filtering for job seekers system, on the other hand, allows job seekers to view career opportunities and apply for any option around the clock, without visiting the Ministry.

Individuals may also register individual employment contracts electronically through the Ministry of Manpower website or the the mobile phone app. 

“Other than facilitating procedures, this service protects personal data and verifies the identity of the user. The error rate of information contained in the contract is almost nonexistent. The electronic work contract ensures accuracy in the information,” the Ministry said.

The electronic licensing system was also introduced to recruit non-Omani private workers for both domestic and business related jobs. It enables users to upload required documents, such as a salary certificate, or a marriage certificate, electronically.

Source: Timesofoman