
Traders who throw oils and fats down domestic sinks have two months to get their kitchens in order, Haya Water has warned.

The firm has issued a notice to all businesses to fit proper treatment units or face fines, as the company has stated that waste treatment facilities are being damaged. 

The wastewater treatment company said in a notice issued yesterday, “Haya Water would like to call on all commercial and manufacturing companies like restaurants, hotels and washbasins to install a unit that would separate oils and fats from waste.

“We would like to warn you that the sewage disposal networks have been designed for domestic home use. It is therefore prohibited to dispose of material that is not related to domestic home use, especially containing oils, fats, or chemicals.”

The notice period given is two months from the date of issue of the notice, “This must be done within two months of the issue of this notice. Oils and fats should be disposed of in an appropriate manner and should not go through the sewage networks, so that the networks and waste treatment facilities are not damaged.”

If any business does not adhere to this notice, the company has mentioned taking a legal action, “Haya Water has the right to take legal action if any damage occurs to its sewage networks due to not following the instructions in this notice, as sewage assets are considered to be public funds that have legal immunity.”

Haya Water has been authorised for all sewage disposal and treatment services, including initiating, maintaining, operating and servicing all sewage network projects in Oman's governorates, with the exception of the Dhofar governorate.

According to Royal Decree number 115/2001, Articles 8 and 19, the company is also required to protect sources of drinking water from being contaminated.

The notice further said that Haya Water will provide (if requested) a list of names of companies that are specialised in installing units that separate oils and fats from waste.

For more information, contact the Haya Water Call Centre on 80077111.

Source: Timesofoman