The number of Spanish people using the internet to watch television has grown over the past four years, with 17.8% saying they used the internet the day before to watch TV, compared with 14.8% in 2008. In the latest Association for Research in Media survey of 34,000 users, the use of mobile TV has also increased, thanks to the popularity of smartphones, with 3.1% of respondents saying they had used their mobile the previous day to watch TV, 2.3% more than in 2008. The viewing of movies online only increased in 2011 on mobile phones and on televisions connected to internet, while the viewing of such content on a computer or laptop has remained more or less stable. As for the press, 51.3% of respondents 51.3% of respondents said they combine reading the paper version of a newspaper with the online version. Of internet users who read newspapers online, 93.4% do so via their computer, 12.9% on a tablet, 34.4% on a smartphone and 1.7% with an electronic book reader. The Spanish are increasingly using the internet to stay informed, and for 68.2% it is their main source of information, while for 28.1% it is a secondary source but important, compared with 53.1% and 41.5% respectively in 2008.